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argonplatypus t1_iuj1uc0 wrote

LOL, Beth is a walking cliche "bad boss bitch." Her scenes are nigh unwatchable. There are a lot of great actors and interesting characters but so many of the storylines are convoluted or the dialogue driving them is BARELY above a soap opera.

I enjoyed the first 3 seasons to an extent, but season 4 was a total shit show. I would NOT watch this show unless you want to spend 5 minutes every other episode listening to country music watching some worthless rodeo/horse montage.


corp_code_slinger t1_iuj5a8w wrote

> LOL, Beth is a walking cliche "bad boss bitch." Her scenes are nigh unwatchable.

Ugh, so much this. She has a couple of good scenes in the earlier seasons, but later everything she says is straight out of the cesspit. I literally started cringing when she came on screen by season 4.

I feel like they made their point with her character and then just ran it right into the ground.


Daze_Confuse t1_iuj4w4z wrote

Beth could easily be such a great character and Kelly Reilly could absolute kill some more rounded traits. They just cannot seem to write her as anything other than absolutely as vile as possible.

One of the most unintentionally funny scenes in Season 4 was when Jackie Weaver's CEO character fires Beth, tells her how she broke her contracts, had contact with both the environmentalists and the media, and how they have a slam dunk case for corporate espionage and Beth was like "Good luck".

Good luck with what? She just explicitly outlined the exact ways that you broke the law, all of which are exceedingly easy to prove, and how your ass would realistically be in prison in a few weeks. Of course it won't happen, but I just thought it was funny.