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t1_iuj3w9a wrote

I agree. In your opinion, who is the show trying to appeal to?


t1_iuj6ase wrote



t1_iuje41q wrote

Boomers who were fans of Dallas or any of the other "prime-time soaps" of the era. My in-laws love it. I won't leave the room if it's on, but it's just not my thing.


t1_iukbx10 wrote

I can't get with it because the red-headed daughter is such a terrible, one dimensional actor. And that the feds would have gotten involved immediately and ended the whole show.


t1_iujtakt wrote

Middle America, moderate conservatives/centrist, individualist, don't tread on me types


t1_iujq007 wrote

Normal audiences. Not the internet.

That might sound glib but it is sort of accurate. Movie Bob has a good video on this where he talks about Yellowstone specifically about 2/3rds of the way through.


t1_iujquxl wrote

Only kind of related to that video, but I think that automatic dismissal of anybody who criticizes the show as elitist is a bit unfair. I like the show, but in large brush strokes, it has been the same story 4 years in a row about how outsiders want to take the ranch away. I also disagree heavily with this being an "unknown" show online, the Rip/Beth memes have been around for years and it's a staple of the front page of this sub during its season.