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PeteSampras_MMO t1_itm7tnx wrote

They wouldn't need new actors. There are previous reddit threads on this that discuss the tech boon to anti aging between the books. The characters are just a little rusty and dumpy but don't age as much in space as you do on a planet eating up sun rays all day. Think about some of our modern 60 year old celebrities that look like they are 30. Anyway, here is the thread.


Aaaaaaandyy t1_itm84nc wrote

Be that as it may, my first (and more pertinent) point stands. Not enough people watched the show; pairing that with a show that’s pretty expensive to make does not bode well. Honestly, I’m thrilled we even got 6 seasons. It’s so rare that a show with a relatively small audience gets revived as it did.


GhostRobot55 t1_itpjaiv wrote

Maybe we just need a cultural shift towards space stuff again, been a lot of medieval and post apocalyptic shit recently, society's ripe for another space phase.