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diamened t1_iu5fqw8 wrote

My problem with Walking Dead (besides the fact that the author clearly hates humanity) is that nothing changes. They basically repeat the same story over and over.


Atma-Darkwolf t1_iu6aekr wrote

group meets society that (somewhat) has shit together (even if morally questionable or just plain wrong) - Group muck's shit up with new society, creates war, - group goes off to find new society :P


diamened t1_iu6cdth wrote

Exactly. Group should be called 'the walking party-poopers'


AnneFranklin0131 t1_iu5h57n wrote

They clearly need better writers . Everything seems so flat sometimes.


dannylandulf t1_iu741hj wrote

And nobody gets a happy ending. It's over a decade since the outbreak happened and there's still no stability. Everyone is still experiencing trauma that would put a real person in the psych hospital every other week.

Like this new character or relationship? One of them will get an arrow through the eye next episode. Crazy that a show has gone on this long when all but two of the 1st season characters is dead or 'missing'.