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FandomMenace t1_iudadby wrote

It's typically 45 minutes in an hour long show. In more recent years, the length of an episode has been more lax than previously, so you might have just caught a shorter episode.

The real takeaway here is that if you watch TV regularly, ads are wasting a few years of your life. Cable should be free when you calculate the opportunity cost of that x 3 (24 hours in a day, not 8) x your salary.


hollywooddouchenoz t1_iudpix7 wrote

It’s basically 42. Most networks aren’t lax, it’s outlined to the second for most deliverables and you have to get permission to deviate. (source: I make tv)


bruceleroy99 OP t1_iudoquf wrote

> The real takeaway here is that if you watch TV regularly, ads are wasting a few years of your life. Cable should be free when you calculate the opportunity cost of that x 3 (24 hours in a day, not 8) x your salary.

This is the real kicker - I can't imagine how much time people that actually watch TV on the regular spend watching ads. The funny thing is I probably wouldn't have noticed as quickly but I was hitting the +30s button repeatedly and being confused that I hadn't missed the start of the show after hitting it 7-8 times lol.


FandomMenace t1_iuduq5g wrote

It's around 3.125 years if you watch a four hours of tv a day. That's a ton of wasted productivity x 330 million people. At the average American income, that's around $832,000 for a lifetime of tv watching. No way your bill is coming to that for a lifetime of watching cable. That shit should be free. What you pay for streaming is a damn blessing.


GPCAPTregthistleton t1_iudyus9 wrote

>The real takeaway here is that if you watch TV regularly, ads are wasting a few years of your life.

My parents used to watch The Big Bang Theory together. My dad unintentionally stopped when mom died. I decided to sit down and watch it with him this year.

279 "half-hour" episodes = 8370 minutes = 139.5 hours = 5 days, 19.5 hours

279 episodes of Big Bang = 3 days, 22 hours

Two whole days of my life this year not spent watching ads.


listyraesder t1_iugcyt0 wrote

BBT was keeping CBS afloat so they filled it with adverts. A couple of episodes ended up being 15 minutes.

They’re doing it again with their current hit, the US remake of Ghosts. This week’s episode was 20 minutes.


ankermouse11 t1_iufrt9s wrote

That's assuming you sit there and watch every single commercial. I'm usually either going to the bathroom, doing an exercise/stretch break, or on my phone during the breaks.