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mikexmachina t1_isun3v7 wrote

In a nutshell, Batman: TAS was not afraid to go dark.

I remember watching House and Garden with the plant monsters, Batman's eyes going wide when he discovered what they really were, and them dissolving with weed killer... true nightmare fuel.

But that's part of the reason the show is so popular - it wasn't afraid to go dark or crazy (remember when Catwoman actually became a cat?)


dr_mediocre t1_isupsa6 wrote

They missed the episode where Tim Drake's friend was a misplaced part of Clayface.


slackforce t1_isur7p6 wrote

Wasn't there an episode or two where Joker uses some kinda gas on people that not only kills them but leaves their corpses with a rictus grin? I remember being very creeped out by that imagery. Definitely not something they would put in Saturday morning cartoons anymore.


MulciberTenebras t1_isut3jz wrote

In the early seasons that aired of FoxKids, it only made them laugh non-stop (they weren't allowed to show corpses). Then the 4th season on WBKids and the film Mask of the Phantasm actually showed his Joker gas killing people.


Bmor00bam t1_isutdk7 wrote

It was and remains my favorite animated show. It beat The Simpsons and Futurama in my nerdy ass brain.


Cowboys_and_Engines t1_isuxmhh wrote

Over the Edge is my favorite episode.
Short synopsis: Batgirl fucking DIES and the inevitable fallout ruins Batman’s life. Commissioner Gordon learns his daughter is Batgirl and it ruins his friendship/partnership with Batman. (As it should, because it’s a total dick move to keep that from someone you supposedly trust) And using his daughter’s computer Gordon learns that Bruce Wayne is Batman and the entire police force raids Wayne manor to arrest him. It’s a great fucking episode.


MulciberTenebras t1_isuzwkh wrote

Ya know, if the Gotham PD went after the actual villains with the same ferocity they do Batman in this episode (or whenever he's wrongfully accused like in "Mask of the Phantasm" or "On Leather Wings")... they wouldn't need a Batman.


CaptainChewbacca t1_isv0t09 wrote

There were brilliant episodes like 'Silicon Soul' as well. Or 'Return of the Grey Ghost'.


soki03 t1_isv44nh wrote

And Bruce Timm wanted to make it even darker still. Hence what he plans to do with his new series, and what’ll be great is that we’ll get to see him start and progress as Batman.


denizenKRIM t1_isv6zmy wrote

I've always thought this plot line would be a fucking amazing story to put on film one day.

Obviously much later down the line of any given iteration, but it felt like it actually had stakes. Ironic given how it ended.

But it still captures my imagination of what could be, several years later.


jak_d_ripr t1_isvwuvo wrote

I love the scene at the end where Bane goes "to the death then?" and Bruce says something along the lines of it doesn't even matter. I don't know why but how understandably defeated he sounded there always stood out to me.


Smrtguy85 t1_iswbso0 wrote

It's ironic because in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, the laughing gas was considered the tame way for Joker to kill someone. He kills one of the goons at the start of the movie when the goon argues with him. In the censored version of the film, the goon gets gassed to death with the grin on his face and everything. In the uncensored version, Joker just straight up shoots him in the chest.


slade707 t1_isweztj wrote

I think they’re not going fwd with it on HBO Max because merger bullshit but shopping it around to different platforms now. It’s by far the DC project I’m most excited for, it had better not get cancelled


Hirotrum t1_iswgod9 wrote

The DCAU always frusterated me by how often it dipped its toes only halfway into dark themes. Everything dramatic that happens always gets reset back to the status quo(everytime the show teases the possibility of harley having character development i want to scream) . And if something DOES change the status quo, it always happens offscreen, in between series (dick leaving, joker's death, ace's death) and is only shown in a flashback LONG AFTER youve already gotten used to the effects of that event, so nothing ever feels too groundbreaking; youre never left wondering what the hell is going to happen and what the reprocussions of what just happened are going to be.

It felt like the writers really wanted to make a serialized style of story, but were held back by the standards of the time.


DisturbedNocturne t1_iswk9v9 wrote

That ties into why they need Batman in the first place though. The GCPD is rampant with corruption and cops looking the other way. Of course, they're going to go much harder on the guy that's often rooting out that corruption and making them look bad than the actual villains they're often on the payroll of.


Dull_Cockroach_1581 t1_isx2xfh wrote

>And Bruce Timm wanted to make it even darker still. Hence what he plans to do with his new series

Bruce Timm is a creepy hack, Paul Dini and the rest were the ones making the shows good.

I hope his show gets cancelled.


GPopovich t1_isx4a7h wrote

A lot of stuff from btas became canon in the Batman franchise. Harley Quinn is a big example.
Killing off Bruce timms dcau is one of the biggest mistakes DC ever made. It could honestly rival MCU in some regards if it was given the resources


TheFuturist25 t1_isx4g08 wrote

I remember the first TAS movie I saw as a kid cemented the love for Batman for me... It was Mask of the Phantasm... The music, the story that was heartbreaking and the whole dark gritty atmosphere... made a lasting impression on me


DMPunk t1_isx781b wrote

Barbara hitting the windshield is one of the most hardcore things I've ever seen in a TV show, whether it's for kids or adults or live action or animated.


Mattyzooks t1_isy46ot wrote

Counterpoint though. Lex Luthor. Justice League wildly changed up his status quo a few times. His first appearance rocked his status quo as a billionaire philanthropist and CEO. He gets exposed, loses everything, and has cancer for the next few seasons. Forms an Injustice League. Actually finally goes to prison. Eventually gets a pardon. Pretends to be an upstanding citizen for a bit and runs for President but it's all a ruse to become a god. Achieves it via Brainiac. Then after being separated, suffers from hallucinations. Joins the Legion of Doom, slowly becoming pissed off on how it's run, shoots the head of the Legion at point blank in a meeting (becoming its leader). Then he fights in a Legion of Doom civil war, revives Darkseid, and ultimately sacrifices himself to save Superman and the planet from Darkseid while kinda achieving his goal of being 'beyond human.' Not all of these are dark changes to the status quo but they kept this character on an actual arc once they brought him over from STAS into JL and JLU.


ConnorMc1eod t1_isyd6wa wrote

That's... the entire point of Batman. In the 80's and 90's police corruption was so ridiculously rampant Batman turned into the caped crusader. A complete vigilante power fantasy that frequently saw himself in the crosshairs of dirty politicians, journalists, criminals AND cops. He was a one man force for good against a completely rotten, immoral society.


PapaMikeRomeo t1_isynduw wrote

The ending ends up highlighting that Barbara’s fears are unfounded though, right? That evening, after the Scarecrow’s fear toxin works it’s way out of her system, she has dinner with her father and seems ready to tell him the truth, only for him to ask her to hold her tongue and that he supports her decisions, and gives her a knowing wink that he seems to already KNOW her secret.


ThrowawayScienceQues t1_isywgd3 wrote

> Over the Edge is my favorite episode. > Short synopsis: Batgirl fucking DIES and the inevitable fallout ruins Batman’s life. Commissioner Gordon learns his daughter is Batgirl and it ruins his friendship/partnership with Batman. (As it should, because it’s a total dick move to keep that from someone you supposedly trust) And using his daughter’s computer Gordon learns that Bruce Wayne is Batman and the entire police force raids Wayne manor to arrest him. It’s a great fucking episode.

Literally convinced me to go find and watch this right now.

Any other favorite episodes you can put on my radar?


PhillyTaco t1_isz1hgd wrote

>I've always thought this plot line would be a fucking amazing story to put on film one day.

Part of me hoped they were gonna steal a little bit of it for Dark Knight Rises. Bane reveals Batman's true identity and Wayne goes on the lamb but still must save Gotham.


Cowboys_and_Engines t1_isz3uag wrote

Look, I get it. You don’t have a lot going on right now so you’re bored. Nobody invites you anywhere and you’re too shy to talk to women. You compensate for your lack of social life by making fun of others, even if that means joining a conversation about the Batman cartoon and acting like everyone else is childish for liking Batman cartoons.


dont_shoot_jr t1_iszsnse wrote

The intro of villains in season 1 was like children’s twilight zone where the faults of individuals lead them to cruel fates as villains

To this day I think what happened to doctor freeze, clayface, Two Face was just unfair


Substantial_City4618 t1_it28gp9 wrote

Yeah that’s the one. I think it is, Harley Quinn has been pretty good at reincorporating prior stories and plots and generally making fun of them. It’s just the animated series isn’t really meant to be funny, it’s very serious. So they took a serious moment and made it funny because it would be very out of character to have such a dark moment in an otherwise colorful bright fever dream.