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Supergazm t1_iu28v0l wrote

Cracked is still around?

Well I'll be....


Regnes t1_iu2aw2a wrote

I was more shocked when launched and I found out those MAD Magazine ripoffs I used to get on bulk from garage sales as a kid randomly turned into one of the most relevant websites of the early 2010s. I was browsing the site for like a year before I realized they were the same too lol.


brb1006 t1_iu2qp99 wrote

I always loved their articles talking about the strangest and most obscure facts.


VIPERsssss t1_iu2pf6y wrote

Cracked magazine movie spoofs were the best. I particularly liked the Indiana Jones spoof.


brb1006 t1_iu2vump wrote

Reading Seanbaby's article from 2010 called "Frosty the Snowman Declares War on War on Christmas" has become my new Christmas tradition.


S4T4NICP4NIC t1_iu3pb2q wrote

I was a big fan of Cracked when I was a kid. Moreso than MAD.


brb1006 t1_iu2qmfk wrote

Same here, I hadn't visited since they ditched the red, yellow, and white layout years back. I knew that site wasn't what it used to be once they changed the layout.

The departure of Seanbaby didn't help either, I still read his article titled "Frosty the Snowman Declares War on Christmas" which I read every Christmas season for a good laugh.


CleverInnuendo t1_iu2sq3e wrote

I was so sad when they became Buzzfeed Lite. It used to be a daily part of my internet.


brb1006 t1_iu2uauu wrote

I remember visiting Cracked almost religiously during my Middle School and early High School days. Sometimes during computer class, I would be able to read the articles on that site because of how super amusing the writers discussed a certain topic.

My favorite was their "Top "Insert Number" famous people that were secretly perverts" where they talked about the dirtier side of famous people and authors. It's where I first discovered Osamu Tezuka's (Astro Boy, Kimba, and Unico) secret naughtier drawings of anthropomorphic animals and his X-Rated Animated Films.


Bears_On_Stilts t1_iu4uzk6 wrote

The more they began to rely on user-submitted content and the commentariat, the less vital they became.

Auntie Meme was a fantastic contributor, but what Auntie Meme represented was the death knell.


brb1006 t1_iu5rxh8 wrote

Not familiar with Aunite Meme, what did they contribute to?


Bears_On_Stilts t1_iu5wu8p wrote

Auntie Meme began as the winner of a “contribute a joke, infographic or meme to Cracked” contest. And they kept winning over and over so the site started letting them do whole articles. And then even more articles became nothing but user submitted content… which led to staff writers getting laid off or looking for better work.


cmetz90 t1_iu2yxjy wrote

Yeah, but it’s a shell of its former self. The site got bought by EW Scripps in 2016, and shortly after, Jack O’Brien (who basically built the site with Jason Pargin) left. Then like a year after that Scripps fired almost every full time staffer, before selling it off to another parent company. As far as I know the small handful who survived the purge all left of their own accord eventually… I don’t think anyone at the current version of the site was there before ~2018.


brb1006 t1_iu5rzx8 wrote

Not to mention the removal of leaving comments on articles.


OneGoodRib t1_iu60i30 wrote

Yeah, but it's not really worth visiting. The listicles are lazy as hell now and you can't even comment on anything, and sure the comments on websites are cesspools sometimes but often the comment section on Cracked was people pointing out that the article had gotten information extremely wrong. I can't help but wonder if the decision to get rid of the comments was mostly based around that one time the author was like "butter dishes are stupid and useless" and everyone was calling him an idiot over it. Like he was ANGRY about how much he can't understand how to use a butter dish, it wasn't like joking incompetence.


bros402 t1_iu623cy wrote

last I looked, you can't even look back at a specific month without specifying the exact genre of thing you want to look at


shewy92 t1_iu55vps wrote

It left but then came back under new owners I think.