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Augen76 t1_isvxqq0 wrote

I'll make a deal. Do another season for Dark Crystal and I'll sign back up for a year.


wujo444 t1_iswgudh wrote

Yes, but... Given that we know what happens from the movie, I don't want to watch it.

Edit: cause it's not a happy story, not cause it's poor story.


indiegamesnumba1 t1_iswtonq wrote

Just because I know the Titanic sinks doesn't mean I won't watch a movie about it's journey to sinking.


wujo444 t1_iswwnsm wrote

I meant that emotionally I'm not ready for >!genocide of Gelflings!<


indiegamesnumba1 t1_isyso68 wrote

They could just show the logical end in some cheesy way or timeskip they don't need to show every single Gelfling death.