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Delicious-Tachyons t1_is6v29h wrote

He's a nice guy. I've met him.

Is he a complete hack? No. That's not a nice thing to say considering writing novels and having them coherent and interesting enough to read through is pretty fucking difficult. How do I know? I'm still struggling on book #1.

Are his books just kinda OK? Yeah. But the man has written hundreds of novels. HUNDREDS. He's the guy when you want a novel tie-in to your TV/movie/game.

He can crank something out in a week or two. I'm not kidding. It just flies out of his fingers.


Schmilsson1 t1_isapzai wrote

you're struggling because you're not a novelist.

>He can crank something out in a week or two.

No shit. that's what hacks do. they don't spend years fussing over work.


Delicious-Tachyons t1_isatxss wrote

> you're struggling because you're not a novelist.

always saying such nice things