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t1_itzeaq8 wrote

I mean, I’m not gonna respect the opinion of a bunch of dweeby capital “G” Gamers. Nor do I want to encourage them. All I know is that their fans were insufferable (particularly early on) gate keepers of Trek. I don’t think it’s unreasonable that they’d put a bad taste in my mouth.


t1_itzfqv1 wrote

yeah lots of morons saw the Orville as GOP Trek I guess, but it's certainly not a bigoted show and the third season is great, imo. I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed SNW (Kirk drift notwithstanding; it is what it is now).


t1_itzi0fy wrote

It’s weird because I never got the impression it was that and I know McFarlane has a ton of respect for Trek. I’ll go to it some day as a binge when things calm down.


t1_itzj2fs wrote

That's right, it actually makes no sense that bigots gravitated to it, but then again being a conservative and a Trek fan makes no sense in the first place, so who knows how those people's minds work (if they work at all).


t1_itzlb5s wrote

Some people are in it for the pew pews.

There are, of course, people who just wanted the traditional format, a modern Trek has been legitimately flawed in some respect (I’m not too hot on Picard personally). Those people, though, likely aren’t the ones who make it a full time job to whine on the internet.


t1_itzmgtn wrote

I couldn't finish Picard because I think it's poorly written, but I usually shut up about it in the fear that someone afraid of brown people thinks we're buds.


t1_itzmr0s wrote

I stay away from threads discussing it because the last thing I want to do is tamp down on the fun of people who do enjoy it. I think it’s great that they can.


t1_itzzxd1 wrote

I like most new Trek and think SNW deserved this award, but The Orville, especially this past season, is really, really good as well. New Trek is trying different things (for better or sometimes worse), even when they're rehashing things. The Orville starts as Star Trek Classic, landing on that line between homage and parody, but by S3 it's fully its own thing with the spirit of TNG era trek. Some of the episodes they did in S3 are among the best sci fi I've ever seen.