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FRPowerSlave t1_is4rqqo wrote

The Last Man on Earth. Season 1 was really good, and then it just got way too repetitive : "Phil acts in a selfish way, hijinx ensues, everyone gets mad at each other, everyone reconciles and Phil agrees to be less selfish (but he isn't in the next episode)". After 3 seasons I realized the writers got stuck in that formula, so I called it quits. Now when I talk to people about the show I just tell them to watch season 1, it has a nice ending wrapping things up. Especially since the show got canceled before they could give it a proper ending. The only thing I liked about seasons 2+ is the running gag >!of having a huge guest star in the first episode of every season but having them die quicker every time (Will Ferrell had a couple of lines, Jon Hamm had once, Jack Black didn't even have one line). !<


GO-KARRT t1_is5mba3 wrote

"The Last Man on Earth", marketed as watching guy do fun silly stuff since no one is around. That lasts all of the opening credit of the first episode. By episode 4 he's found a dozen other people. I get it, you can't have a season of that stuff, but that's where I was interested, how are they going to make Castaway a comedic series?