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WordsAreSomething t1_irahzd1 wrote

>In a drama superhero show?

I don't know how you got this far into the show thinking it was a drama.

It's pretty up front that it was a comedy.


Karl-AnthonyMarx t1_irai1ix wrote

The villains are incels? Congrats, you just convinced me to watch my first MCU show


MrBoliNica t1_irai8cs wrote

This feels like a troll post, but the show has been telegraphing the villains and their motivations for almost the entire season, and the themes have been constant in Jen’s story- you probably just suck at attention


mr_math24 t1_iraiiky wrote

You seriously think this is a "drama superhero show" ???

I thought it was pretty great. The 4th-wall breaking, "oh look a big set piece, I wonder if we'll get a big red hulk or some shoe-horned action set piece" only for it to be insecure men wanting to take her down a peg by slutshaming her publicly. Went right in line with the themes the show has been showing you all along. Subverted the expectation that she'd have a big CGI final battle of some sort.

I get the criticism, but this is the show you've been watching all along.


Lifesaboxofgardens t1_iraimcl wrote

Yes She-Hulk is a comedy, a straight up sitcom in fact. I am not sure how it's taken you to this point to realize that?


Agreeable-Camel70 t1_iraj0ns wrote

Buddy, if you are going to assume that I'm "misogynistic" think again. Take a look at my post history, I despise men as much as this show does but this isn't the problem.

The problem is that it's so weird to have incels as villains, incels are trash but they are not villain materials for a MCU show.

And the whole point about "slutshaming" making her angry is just so...stupid.

Stop dismissing valid criticism as "misogynistic men!!!"


anasui1 t1_iraj2z3 wrote

show is to me just a collection of juvenile TikTok memes, so fragmented it barely makes any sense. It's nothingness. Still watching because I'm bored and Tatiana gives her best, even though the godawful writing is far below her and Tim Roth's league


ceaguila84 t1_irajcnu wrote

I’ve disliked most episodes and not found them funny at all: however, I really enjoyed this one. I’m sure DD had a big part in that but it was great to finally see an angry She-Hulk


WeDriftEternal t1_irako11 wrote

The She-Hulk comic book is comedy. It’s a lot about the joke that they had to make a women version of Hulk and it leans into being campy and fun. Sure she does super hero stuff, but it’s not “serious”

The show took that to be sorta sitcom-like comedy breaking the 4th wall to act as the camp. Because that’s actually the character in the comic too. She’s more Deadpool than Hulk and makes jokes about the situation to the reader


draxenato t1_irannkw wrote

You're not the intended audience.

You have too much perspective and objective criticality.


unpopularpuffin6 t1_irao4yc wrote

All woke media is. They've pivoted to comedy, because there's nothing else it could be for the flaming shitshow that is she hulk. My favourite is when she has to tell Bruce about how she's learned to control herself because women do it every day. Like what. Like men don't? Like women get scrutinized more than men? While she starts to lose her temper. After just having to talk about her temper. Amazing.
