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t1_itgw17q wrote

Happy! from SyFy. It really should've just been a miniseries.

Season One was a masterclass in pitch-dark dark comedy, and Season Two was an unnecessary continuation that ends without resolution because it was cancelled.


t1_itgyl6m wrote

I looooove Happy! gloriously fucked up and stupidly awesome.
I'd love it if they bought it back in movie form.


t1_itgzk8u wrote

I’d love a season or a movie to wrap it up.

Last time I spoke about Happy! on here somebody messaged me saying they were involved with the second season specifically. They told me the series was cancelled due to having a very troubled production.

When I asked if they knew where the whole resurrected Nick Sax and demon stuff was going, they said that’s part of the troubled production. That there was never any creative plan, everything was made up script-to-script. Scripts were often late, causing everything else to go overboard. The show runners didn’t have a plan, the writers had to wing it, the actors got scripts late, filming was delayed or running over schedule, etc. Apparently the whole thing was a headache.


t1_ith2g2k wrote

That explains the messy feeling of season two.
Season one was crazy but with an overall vision that two lacked.
Happy! will always be on my list of shows I hope will come back one day.