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nightfishin t1_itlangw wrote

Its in that season 5-6 range. A great show with some problems like most stories. Don´t think anything will top the first 4 seasons of GoT.


mrnicegy26 OP t1_itlaw37 wrote

I agree. While it has been enjoyable prestige blockbuster entertainment of those seasons, it hasn't had a Ned Stark gets executed moment that you know will be considered an all time great scene.


nightfishin t1_itlczgh wrote

I would gladly be proven wrong if it surpasses it. Its a great overall show, might be the best season of the year for me.

But it doesn´t have Tyrion and Tywin which I think are some of the best characters ever written TV or Book. It doesn´t have the brotherhood/friendship of the Knights Watch. Larys is a lesser version of Little Finger and Varys dynamic. And really just a poor mans Glokta.


vinng86 t1_itlyjkz wrote

I mean, we're also only a single season (11 episodes) in as well. GoT didn't have a lot of what you said until it was developed a couple seasons later.


nightfishin t1_itn25w2 wrote

All those elements are in the first season. Tyrion being Tyrion, having chemistry with every character and actor, delivering classic dialogue. Tywin is introduced in the second half of the season. Jon Snow travels to the Wall in the second episode etc.

Sure its hypothetically possible HotD could surpass it but I never want to set expectation for any content that high and then be disappointed.


Historical-Author-49 t1_itm3yau wrote

>it hasn't had a Ned Stark gets executed moment that you know will be considered an all time great scene.

I couldn't disagree more. Episode 8, both Viserys's throne room scene and the dinner party scene, rank up there with the best GOT scenes for me, and in terms of emotional impact on me, above most of them. Maybe above all of them


poopfartdiola t1_itnr8oi wrote

Is that moment with Ned so great because of how it happens or because it was the first time for literally everyone that the main character as good as Ned dies in such a terrible way in the first season?


nikischerbak t1_itny5dj wrote

Idk I like the first season of house of dragon a lot more. But politics is my passion so that might be why.