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tracerit t1_itwizkk wrote

So crazy that Taylor Sheridan started off as a background character (sheriff) on Sons of Anarchy. And now he's created a whole universe.


jblanch3 t1_itxc9zu wrote

There was a really good profile on him not too long ago where he was talking about that. He was asking for more money for Season 3 of SoA. BTW, I wouldn't call him a background character and he was a deputy, not the sheriff. He was a pretty major character the first couple of seasons and I remember him being featured prominently in the trailers with Charlie Hunnam when the show first premiered. Anyway, someone who he didn't identify said to him that actors like him were a dime a dozen and refused to give him a raise. He got killed off so he could get out of the show. I always wonder how that executive who told him that must feel today.


muad_dibs t1_ityaehl wrote

He got killed off terribly too. Kinda like Admiral Akbar did now that I’m remembering it.


Fu-Man-Chewbacca t1_iu0y4nc wrote

I remember my jaw dropping like “No Way They Just Killed Him Like That”