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JustTerrific t1_it22qhs wrote

I had no idea that Documentary Now! was back with a new season. That’s some welcome news!


DeuceBane t1_it2bhlf wrote

I look into ze eyes of da bear


Janderson2494 t1_it2fb3q wrote

I wish this show was on a streaming service somewhere


-GameWarden- t1_it2gwtw wrote

Seasons 1 is on Prime for like 12 more days. then season 4 and 2 are on IFC if you have cable or dish you can log in and watch them. Season 3 I really couldn’t find an easy way.

Really complicated! I remember it use to be on Netflix.

Season two is on youtube as well.


14thCenturyHood t1_it2k4r0 wrote

Werner Herzog is a chronic animal abuser/torturer. Fuck him.

edit: to the people downvoting me, why? When you watch a Herzog film, you're watching horrific animal abuse on-screen. I provided a full list with examples in his films. Not sure why people are cool with that.

Yes I think he is talented but I just can't get behind animal abuse.


Blizky t1_it2ks0l wrote

My dad used to watch this show, and his dad before him.


Shundi510 t1_it2lkez wrote

Werner is the fucking man. He once ate a slow cooked leather shoe in front of an audience because he lost a bet his friend and director Errol Morris. The bet was whether or not Errol Morris could get Thin Blue Line made, which in itself is epic film. The documentary essentially proves gets a man off death row who was incorrectly convicted of murder.



14thCenturyHood t1_it2n5as wrote


I also believe that the "penguin walking away to its death" scene in his documentary Encounters at the End of the World is staged. In that he abducted a penguin and displaced it far from its colony, causing it to walk endlessly to its death because it was lost. Purely for his film.

And it is not only animals. Herzog is also cruel to the actors he puts in his films, notably the mentally disabled man Bruno S, whom he had cast in two films. Herzog admitted to torturing and tormenting this man to get him in a certain frame of mind for his films.

Herzog is a real piece of shit, I hate how he's become kind of a meme that everyone loves and thinks is funny. He's evil.


14thCenturyHood t1_it2nubg wrote

He's a piece of shit who abuses and tortures animals.

edit: to the people downvoting me, why? When you watch a Herzog film, you're watching horrific animal abuse on-screen. Not sure why people are cool with that. The man went out of his way to be cruel to animals, it's all there on screen. Dude is the Michael Vick of movie directors but yeah lol funny man eat shoe


MisterTruth t1_it2ql5c wrote

I'm assuming PFT stars as Werner Herzog?


serial-contrarian t1_it2swc9 wrote

My favorite documentary is Grey Gardens so I absolutely loved their Sandy Passage episode parody. It was so well done.


Shundi510 t1_it2wixe wrote

I actually don’t know about this. Can you tell me more. Maybe a piece of shit and I don’t know. He def makes incredible films.

I’m okay admiring someone’s work and not liking them as a person.


Automatic_Flight_659 t1_it2xsfw wrote

I always wanted to see a fight to the death between him and Klaus Kinski. Not sure who I would have wanted to win, tho.


14thCenturyHood t1_it305cg wrote

I commented this further down the thread but to make it easier I'll just put it here too. Herzog really is a terrible person. He is very talented but I honestly can't get past his horrible and unusual cruelty to animals, and people, for his films. It's hard in his case to separate art from artist, because his art is where all the abuse is. He abuses animals/people for his films, so it can't be ignored unless you dont watch them. Not sure how people are ok with supporting him, he goes out of his way to be mean.

Nosfertau - The animal abuse was so bad that the handler on set quit. In his film Aguirre, The Wrath of God, chickens are dropped from a cliff. A horse is beaten. A horse is thrown into a river and kicked. Monkeys are rampantly abused and thrown into a river.

In Fata Morgana, a fox is carried by the throat.

In Stroszek, a chicken on a hot plate ("dancing", aka its feet are being burned) is shown.

An abandoned project called Game in the Sand had animal abuse so out of control that even Herzog himself admitted it was a bit much.

I mean look at all these horrible examples for his film Even Dwarves Started Small :

I also believe that the "penguin walking away to its death" scene in his documentary Encounters at the End of the World is staged. In that he abducted a penguin and displaced it far from its colony, causing it to walk endlessly to its death because it was lost. Purely for his film.

And it is not only animals. Herzog is also cruel to the actors he puts in his films, notably the mentally disabled man Bruno S, whom he had cast in two films. Herzog admitted to torturing and tormenting this man to get him in a certain frame of mind for his films.


According_Homework31 t1_it31dyr wrote

Reddit is a fucking echo chamber. Having a different opinion on here is like swimming up a waterfall. Everyone loves to shit on the biased propaganda spewed on sites like Facebook and on main stream media platforms, when in reality this platform is just as skewed.


Almar1987 t1_it3dju6 wrote

Can we get another Blue Jean Committee episode?


dj_narwhal t1_it3hykj wrote

I got married in Iceland last year and made sure to go to Arborg so I could see where they have the annual Al Capone Festival.


samaramatisse t1_it3inle wrote

I'm really bummed that Bill is only being an EP and not appearing this season. I know why, but he's amazing in Doc Now.


ZombieStomp t1_it3irl9 wrote


In case you really wanted to really know Alexander Skarsgård plays a Werner Herzog type character called Rainier Wolz who tries to make a sitcom pilot in a remote village

It was an amazing 2 part episode!


Sks44 t1_it3xt3z wrote

The Blue Jean Committee was my favorite.


surf-actant t1_it3y5zp wrote

Oh lord I ADORE Warner Herzog. His character on Jack Reacher is just the tip of the iceberg.

His POV is so grim, graphic and extreme, OVER. THE. TOP.

His documentary on volcanoes: "Zee Earth cares nothing for your stupid little dreams, it incinerates your stupid dreams and spits them out as ash and blinding smoke that chokes and fills your lungs with death," the first 9 words are a direct quote. The rest is in the spirit of WH.

WH describing something while making Fitzcarraldo: "standing in a sun-dappled, twittering Peruvian glade, he declares, 'The trees are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don’t think they sing. They just screech in pain. . . . Taking a close look at what’s around us, there is some sort of harmony: it’s the harmony of overwhelming and collective murder.'"

I love this man!

It's from this article:

Tubi has a great collection of his films and various documentaries about him.


DarkChocolatRaisinet t1_it41x9d wrote

These two episodes were amazing. Skarsgård's version of Werner Herzog is spot on. Hilarious.


DarkChocolatRaisinet t1_it42dbd wrote

To clarify, he makes both a documentary about the indigenous people of a remote area in the mountains between Russia and Kazakhstan, while simultaneously filming the pilot for a 90s era sitcom there. At the same time.

It's really fucking funny.


dtochoa t1_it46e9p wrote

You call a man who is afraid a “chicken”. But what do you call a man who is afraid of chickens🐓? 🤔


Jewjltsu t1_it4j3p8 wrote

I don’t think anyone asked since I don’t think anyone knew


JustTerrific t1_it53sx2 wrote

It’s mainly Burden of Dreams, but it’s got a little of My Best Fiend in it, plus a sprinkle of other Herzog stuff - Grizzly Man, Into the Abyss, Happy People, and probably a few other references I missed.


DirkMcDougal t1_it6bivv wrote

I just heard the Herzog impression clip on the NPR review describing the two simultaneous projects and laughed so hard at a red light the driver next to me was certain I was a madman.


SleazyMak t1_it7k373 wrote

Lol I mean it’s obvious why - there’s like 15 fuckin streaming services and they all have like 3 things worth watching

We’ve come full circle - I think original cable was better than the clusterfuck we have with streaming services now.


GDawnHackSign t1_it8oejr wrote

> His character on Jack Reacher is just the tip of the iceberg.

I think back to that more frequently than I would like. Specifically, would I eat my own finger to save my life. Gruesome choice.


zsreport t1_itbqxuw wrote

Yesterday evening I was going through my streaming services to see if there was anything new or at least new to me to watch and ended up settling on some Netflix slasher movie that came out last year.