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BalticsFox t1_ixf0yi8 wrote

Wasn't Westworld a good one?


mug3n t1_ixfi8qj wrote

After season 1, the quality dropped off. Season 4 picked it back up and recovered imo but a day late, dollar short. Those 2 year gaps between seasons also do not help with building interest.


austinrose7 t1_ixf6591 wrote

Haven’t watched it tbh but the near-unanimous consensus seems to be that after S1, the answer to that is definitely no until S4, at which point it was too late to rescue its own reputation.

Viewership declined after S2 and absolutely plummeted after S3.


kidgorgeous62 t1_ixj2550 wrote

Season 3 had great ideas but absolutely fumbled the ending it was borderline embarrassing. I don’t blame people for being turned off. Season 4 was better though.


Corteaux81 t1_ixghfaw wrote

After the park, it just goes downhill. It also tried way too hard to "subvert expectations" and shit... It just wasn't good, even though season 1 was great.


UXyes t1_ixfzhin wrote

No. It was trash after the first season.