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IndyRevolution t1_ixiamr8 wrote

You really wanna sit here and list of the menagerie of terrible things he did afterwards? Talking with show fans about Jaimie is insane. He's not a hero, despite the show writers trying to paint him as such, he's just a broken man trying to become a better version of himself, but he can only change so much. The books do a much better job of painting him as a vastly compelling wildcard compared to the "Jaimie's a hero cause he sorta feels bad about all the terrible shit he's actively assisting in" take the show goes with.


Rawrfiend t1_ixixikx wrote

It might also be due to Nikolaj and how good of an actor he is. I feel like it's also easier to feel more towards a character you can see and hear versus the one you read. Jamie is by no means a good guy. In the books I can maintain my dislike for him. In the show I cannot.