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t1_iyee47d wrote

I don't think filming time has anything to do with the length of time covered in the show. It took a year because it's the first season of a big budget 10 episode TV show.


t1_iyeiw5h wrote

The game has 4 segments set in different seasons of the year. The shooting schedule was spread out to match that. It’s definitely the whole thing.


t1_iyesztz wrote

Craig Mazin (show runner) has definitely confirmed that the first season is a full adaption of Part I. However, the shooting all year thing isn’t actually a great piece of evidence of that btw. Shows and movies commonly shoot in different seasons than what the scene calls for. You’d be surprised how well a good set crew can do to make any season plausible on-screen, no matter what really is happening outside.


t1_iyeuga2 wrote

Most of the info about the filming has shown a pretty close match to the timing in the game. And I’d be very surprised by a crew making a different season look right on screen since it would a major first. Apparently some early snow came while filming the Autumn stuff, so I’ll be curious to see how they handled that.