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unitedsasuke t1_ix5ss2t wrote

So why don't you not do the things that you think may cause the bad news?


Dashiepants t1_ix73z7c wrote

Because we’re still going to die. It would be one thing if avoiding unhealthy things meant we wouldn’t

but you can do everything right (like my Mom and step mom who were both health nuts, ultra fit, never/rarely drank, never smoked and both died of cancer in their 50’s) and still die young

or you can do everything wrong and live to 101 ( like Grandpa) and live to 101.

We all die. Most of us unpleasantly. We all gamble.

And if I were in his genetic shoes I’d be hoping for the heart attack to get me before the dementia arrived. I hope the same for myself having done Alzheimer’s care for the last decade.


unitedsasuke t1_ix74qq4 wrote

I'm really sorry about your family but I find your take backwards. Just because being healthier doesn't guarantee you won't get ill it infinitely increases your chances. Nothing is guaranteed.