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OldLadyReacts t1_iy25qc4 wrote

The first episode of The West Wing has an kick ass Deus Ex Machina moment when President Bartlett walks in to the middle of an argument between his staff and some anti-Semitic religious nuts. His very first line in the entire show quoting the first commandment is literally "I am the Lord your God." He's a brilliant debater too so it's immensely satisfying.


M1ke2345 t1_iy2p538 wrote

I don’t recall them being anti semites, just a Christian right wing group.

Damn you, now I’m going to have to rewatch it, so thanks!


TheIllusiveGuy t1_iy2z4ju wrote

There was that comment about Toby being from "New York".


M1ke2345 t1_iy2zp6n wrote

Yes, well remembered.

I think I felt it was more covert anti semitism, rather than out and out blatant.

Still going to watch it again later today. 😉


Chandrenth t1_iy5jgdm wrote

"She called us New York Jews Josh"

"Yeah, but being from Connecticut I didn't mind so much"