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diiejso t1_iwj1smp wrote

Darabont also treated his staff like shit so at this point I'm not sure who to believe in that whole ordeal.


Goosojuice t1_iwj3k83 wrote

Word? What are the reports of the shit hes done?


diiejso t1_iwj4e1s wrote

> That wouldn’t be the only profane rant that month. In one email, Darabont asked why camera operators were being paid when “Ray Charles could operate better.” In yet another, he compared one of the show’s directors to someone whom he’d formerly worked with who had suffered massive, debilitating strokes. “It’s like we yanked some kid with no experience out of high school and put her in charge of directing a show,” wrote Darabont. > > And to AMC’s executives, he was no less polite. “Please let’s stop invoking ‘the writers room,'” he emailed AMC’s Ben Davis. “There IS no writers room, which you know as well as I do. I am the writers room. The fucking lazy assholes who were supposedly going to be my showrunners threw that responsibility on me after wasting five months of my time.”

> I just kept Denise on the phone for 20 minutes making her listen to me scream. I hope she conveys to you what the tenor of it, because you need to grasp my fury.

It seems like one of those situations where both sides are shitty. There's more out there that was just first search results.


SeveranceZero t1_iwkhnui wrote

I mean… he may have not responded in the most mature way but his points are valid. I’d be pissed too if someone wasted 5 months of work not doing anything.

Also, have you seen the show at all? If he was referring to Scott Gimple and crew then even more so. Have you seen how much Gimple and Co. have ruined all aspects of TWD universe? His spin-off was complete garbage and nonsensical and his reboot of Fear destroyed what made the show enjoyable.

If Darabont had to put up with that shit, I don’t blame him one bit.


kinzer13 t1_iwjcng6 wrote

Fuck AMC.


diiejso t1_iwjcv2n wrote

Did you mistake my criticism of Darabont as a defense of AMC? It's possible to think both were in the wrong. I stated as much, in fact.


kinzer13 t1_iwjddkq wrote

Well youre obfuscating an issue, which is AMC having a documented and storied history of financing screwing over their creative teams.


Smodphan t1_iwjr0l6 wrote

From the look of it, im glad it couldn't have happened to a shittier guy in this case.


Unseen_Karma t1_iwknhc8 wrote

Well frank was right though and just give frank some pass man the guy made " Shawshank redemption" & Green mile
