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jaysmoove42 t1_iwpojxh wrote

Wtf is Amazon freevee? Is that going to be a new Amazon service?


BeginByLettingGo t1_iwpoqjz wrote

It's Amazon's FAST service (free, ad-supported television).

FAST is expected to replace linear/terrestrial eventually.


Briscotti t1_iwpte85 wrote

People underestimate the value FAST services can provide to these media companies currently struggling in the paid SVOD space. Paramount’s Pluto TV has 72M active monthly users which places it just below HBO Max in terms of actual TV viewership across all platforms and brought in $1B of revenue last year.


jaysmoove42 t1_iwpp8to wrote

Interesting thanks. I also googled it and appears it's not available in Aus yet. Would have expected a launch announcement here at the same time as announcing this.


Briscotti t1_iwpw9n5 wrote

It will be on Freevee in UK and US. In Australia, New Zealand and Canada it will be on Prime Video since they don’t currently have Freevee. In Australia episodes will also air first on Channel 10 before hitting Prime.


woozleuwuzzle t1_iwrud23 wrote

In the states you can download the Freevee app or use Prime to view the same shows with commercials (ie Freevee is included in Prime).


MINKIN2 t1_iwq7hc9 wrote

Apparently most of the other actors are just finding out too, with only those who play Toadie, the Kennedys and Paul confirmed to return atm. There will other announcements soon.