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Kratozio t1_ixt5g43 wrote

Came here to honestly say the entirety of season 4 lmao. I think it’s as close to perfect tv as I’ve seen, it’s just a cut above even the other 3 seasons (although 2 and are just fantastic as well). The way it looks, the pacing, the character work, and the revelations all just come together to make something so special.


LordXenu45 t1_ixt9439 wrote

As far as just straight dramas go if The Wire didn't exist Mr. Robot would be my personal pick for TV GOAT. I agree with the general consensus season 2 is a bit too slow, but the pay off is worth it and I don't have a bad thing to say about 1, 3, or 4.

To think about the way that show starts and then where it ultimately leads... just a remarkable journey. It's batshit, it's thought provoking, and it's wrapped up in such a perfect way that I really do think it deserves to be up there with the best. Crazy it aired on USA Network lol