PortoGuy18 t1_ix8ujor wrote
Dark also captures you right away.
Literally, the first scene and its ramifications and dynamics for the characters related to THAT Person set the tone of the show pretty quick.
Not only that, but the soundtrack and atmosphere of the show (strating from episode one) are really unique among television.
I think people just aren't used to slow burns anymore, specially slow burns that have zero bombastic scenes and action in between, just talking.
But speakig of 1899, what a great show.
The first scene didn't capture my attention as quickly as Dark did, but the episode was so immersive.
Seeing all of the different people and languages aboard the Kerberos ship and the dread of discovering the mysteries of the Prometheus really payed off for me.
rood_sandstorm t1_ix90s9f wrote
I don’t really like the song choice of 1899 because it’s been used many times in other shows/movies
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix9fu0k wrote
That doesn't even make any sense. Yes, the theme song of 1899 sounds like crap. But it's a completely new cover of White Rabbit made for the show that sounds nothing like the original song both in vibe and in melody.
Mattyzooks t1_ix99eqm wrote
I'm liking the characters more in 1899 and probably the story more in Dark. Loved Dark and love 1899 so far.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8vsyg wrote
No I guarantee you that most people who recommended others Dark, me included, had to tell them to stick with it until the end of episode 2 because that's where it really gets interesting. The vibes and subject matter in the first two episodes of Dark is really off-putting and unsettling.
Also, the very first scene of Dark is probably the most unsettling and off-putting scene I have ever seen start a film or show. Younger kids and families that clicked on it randomly through Netflix probably turned it off immediately because of that. Dark is a great example of a show that DOES NOT CAPTURE YOU RIGHT AWAY, but really pulls you in when its main aspect is revealed
Whereas 1899 has, like I said, a far more mainstream welcoming beginning. Nobody is getting turned off immediately by horrible vibes, and instead interested immediately by multiple parts. Not only the vast array of diverse international characters aboard the ship, but also the big mystery introduced already in the first episode.
bri-onicle t1_ix8yrru wrote
I was absolutely captured by the first scene in Dark, I thought the entire first episode was phenomenal.
Delita232 t1_ix94flq wrote
Same here. I was immediately grabbed by Dark.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix9aots wrote
Probably because you probably already knew the show was about time travel.
NinjaInTraining109 t1_ix9kqjm wrote
I had no idea the show was about time travel and found it to be very intriguing. Parts of the first episode were a little slow sure, but I was absolutely hooked by the end of it and immediately binged the whole series afterwards. Not everyone is as turned off by unsettling themes/vibes as you may think..
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix9l45f wrote
You’re not everyone though. The reddit population is completely unrepresentative of general audiences and real life people
NinjaInTraining109 t1_ix9ohqw wrote
And yet you’re calling it the “most off-putting way to start a show in history”. I would argue a show like GOT opened in a far more unsettling manner and went on to be the most popular show in the world. So again I’ll say not everyone is as turned off by these types of vibes as you think
shewy92 t1_ixczp25 wrote
> You’re not everyone though
Neither are you yet you keep talking like you are speaking for everyone
[deleted] t1_ixa4f5k wrote
[deleted] t1_ixbn8qb wrote
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix90jlp wrote
Obviously if you know what the main draw of the show is, then you will be captivated from the start.
But keep in mind that 99% of people who go in blind think that Dark is a crime drama
[deleted] t1_ix99vui wrote
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix8wdyx wrote
It honestly baffles me that you're talking like the first scene of Dark was so amazing and grabbing. To jog your memory, it's literally a scene of a depressed guy hanging himself in his basement, with the most unsettling, terrifying bad vibe music I have ever heard playing the background. You get to see him set it up and everything. Absolutely chilling and unsettling and brutal. It was the most off-putting scene to ever start a show in history
PortoGuy18 t1_ix8xov6 wrote
You are twisting my words. I never said the first scene was "amazing", i said that it captures you right away.
From the start, the show doesn't shy away from its tone and atmosphere.
It's bleak, depressive and unlike most series out there, so it stands out.
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix90hrf wrote
Obviously if you know what the main draw of the show is, then you will be captivated from the start.
But keep in mind that 99% of people who go in blind think this show is a crime drama
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix907jd wrote
Yeah well I turned it off after the first scene. Didn't seem like a show I would like. Mind you, I had no idea what the show was about.
And then I gave it another try a few months later.
GenericAustin t1_ix94kic wrote
Both Dark and Chernobyl have a similar opening scene, where a character commits suicide. In fact, in Chernobyl it's the main character who does it
And I thought both times it was a great way to start the show, I really wanted to know why they were doing that
Your reaction to that scene is probably because you weren't in the right mindset for such a scene or maybe you personally can't stand anything like that
AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_ix9am9v wrote
Chernobyl's wasn't nearly as dark brutal and unsettling
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