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Calfzilla2000 t1_ixhs3hp wrote

This episode surpassed any expectations I had for the finale. Extremely emotional, unpredictable and thrilling.

They better not overlook this show when Emmy season comes around. This show is every bit as good as Better Call Saul or House of the Dragon (using those two as examples because I have seen them and I know they will garner plenty of nominations), if not better.

"I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong." killed me. Only time I cried the whole series. The writing for this episode was incredible.


Surca_Cirvive t1_ixhtaxu wrote

"I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong" was super poignant. I really love the show's writing.


Anneisabitch t1_ixkhfok wrote

That quote is up there with “what is love by grief persevering?”

As soon as I got it, I said damn out loud


Golf_is_Life t1_ixlnf1y wrote

"What is 'grief', but love persevering?"

I agree, that quote broke me, and is incredibly profound.