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shaka_sulu t1_iv4mv5a wrote

What were experiencing is the death of the cable TV Branded model. For 40 years success is defined by narrow niche channel for a specific demographic or interest. Hey were the network for black people, we're the network for music, were the network for food, were the network for cartoons. We're heading back to BIG networks/streamers where we get a wide variety of content. Media companies need to figure it out and figure out how to monetise it. But they'll figure it out.

Good news is content is king. No longer the betwork brand come first, the shows do. Ted Lasso, Stranger Things, Euphoria towers over their host networks. Also isn't it awesome to enjoys tv without beging tied to scheduling? Shows like You, Cobra Kai, Abbot Elementary, Community, would be lost if they were in another era. BUt now people can sample a wide variety of TV as much as they can consume.


JohnCavil01 t1_iv75bvc wrote

Right? Goodbye stupid old cable! Now all that content and convenience can be yours only for astronomical constantly increasing prices with advertisements by default - we sure have come a long way!