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tombuzz t1_ixezgo6 wrote

Huge fan of le carre and spy who came in from the cold is probably my favorite book by him. Andor shows what spying is all about. It’s about using people. Not being bond and shooting 50 people and whipping out gadgets. You use people to get information, to sabotage, and your relationship with your assets and your ability to manipulate them is what it’s all about.


byronotron t1_ixflasu wrote

The Americans is the only other show I know that gets this right: they're not super heroes, they're super manipulators.


eunoiared t1_ixfpngk wrote

One of the consulting producer is Stephen Schiff, who produce The American. He also wrote Andor Season 1 Episode 7: Announcement.


drunkill t1_ixgxcau wrote

When they first announced andor they said people from The Americans were working on it, i was 100% onboard it from day 1.

I believe the main showrunner left and Gilroy took over very early on, but had already gotten a few people in the writing room.


tombuzz t1_ixfmqz0 wrote

You should watch the bureau of legends. French show and possibly the best spy show ever, and my top 5 shows of all time.


lucashoodfromthehood t1_ixfwioo wrote

Homeland season 3 might be a mixed bag but that gave out big Le Carre vibes. Dirty banks, superpower behind the shadow making moves, characters slowly discovering the whole plot. Season 6 and 7 as well.