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Educational-Tower t1_ix2plyk wrote

It’s not really a shocker that attitudes shift and events elicit different responses. Take my advice and don’t ever revisit any film or TV from pre-2015…


[deleted] OP t1_ix2pvdm wrote



pearlsandplumes t1_ix2s9b8 wrote

>Still isn't exactly what you expect when going into a lawyer show with a female lead, and a predominantly female cast.

TNG had a couple of such episodes as well and it's also not what I would have expected from an enlightened Trek show. The writers gave it their best shot at the time (with some exec interference, I'm sure), it's really no use getting upset over it now, it's just a reflection of its time.


SackofLlamas t1_ix2ru22 wrote

Eh. There are a lot of excellent post 90s shows without horrendously troubling subtext.


Educational-Tower t1_ix2sd2c wrote

I was joking. I don’t really find any entertainment “horrendously troubling”.