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mdcrafter77 t1_ixicsvu wrote

This sub literally just r/lookatdisneyadvertisments


Alzan27 t1_ixit3pe wrote

I hate being forced to read about television in the television subreddit


PeterLeroy t1_ixiv9c4 wrote

But you enjoy seeing loads and loads of « X may be the best X franchise Disney has ever released »?

Take Andor, it’s incredible but this sub has 50+ posts every day promoting it.. It’s exhausting.


TheWyldMan t1_ixiwu8n wrote

I mean the same happened with House of Dragons


-OrangeLightning4 t1_ixjipqk wrote

But you see, that was a show I liked, so it couldn't have been shilling.


TheSeventhAnimorph t1_ixj78ub wrote

A show that's popular with Reddit's demographic is commonly posted about on a subreddit with thousands or even millions of people regularly visiting it? Who would have guessed? /s

If anything, I'm surprised there isn't even more stuff posted about things.


Dennis_Gachanja OP t1_ixixmul wrote

Are you saying there’s an actual ‘secret disney convention’ where hardcore fans decide to go spam tv praise (of a great show) on a tv sub? 😂


JustAboutAlright t1_ixiynkj wrote

I agree with you on Andor especially … I gotta say I am really looking forward to this one though I grew up on the He-Man & She-Ra Christmas special though so I’m the target demo.
