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NeoNoireWerewolf t1_ixjpu0j wrote

Weintraub is from the days back before Hollywood understood how to use the internet or how to navigate geek culture. He was one of the dudes like Harry Knowles who was in the right place at the right time and was able to leverage “being a nerd” into becoming somebody with industry connections. He seems like a nice guy (unlike Knowles, obviously), but he’s not exactly a top tier journalist, and he also barely writes for Collider anymore due to being the EiC. Collider used to be a pretty good movie site. They reported all the industry news, had some good articles just for the site, and reviews were well-written. Some great people like Perry Nemerioff and a few others came out of that period. Even Matt Goldberg, who often had hot take contrarian reviews or seemed hard to impress, wrote some pretty great retrospectives on things like David Fincher’s filmography. It was a solid alternative to reading the industry trades after Rotten Tomatoes sold to Flickster and fell apart…

… Until Collider sold out to Complex. Almost overnight, the site became unmitigated dogshit. Less and less coverage for non-“nerd culture” topics, cheap listicles like “Top 10 Dog Actors,” and politics inserted into every single article (and I’m not even a “keep politics outta my content!” kinda person, it just got old clicking a casting announcement article and skimming over eight paragraphs about an unrelated hot button issue before reading Tom Holland is going to be Spider-Man). It became such a slog after the merger, culminating in their terrible nerd shows with dorks like John Campea. RLM dunked on them so hard for that shit they had to pull the plug from embarrassment.

Tl;dr: I watched Collider fall apart in real time, the site is indeed awful now.