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[deleted] t1_iwgsicq wrote



iamredsmurf t1_iwh10ek wrote

She hasn't been on the show for 30 years. If you're willing to wait that long everything is cursed.


Franken-McCharDeeDen t1_iwgwwfo wrote

It’s almost like driving fast is bad for your health


wedontlikespaces t1_iwhbjby wrote

Statistically based on the shows presenters, that's not true. As none of them have died as a result of driving fast.


AlexBucks93 t1_iwh2gso wrote

She did not die during filming, what are you on about?


mechapoitier t1_iwhbtf1 wrote

None of them died during filming, you twit.

They call a show “cursed” if a lot of deaths or accidents surround it. The movie Poltergeist for example.


AlexBucks93 t1_iwhbz8c wrote

Why you calling me names?

And How this movie is even related to Top Gear?


mechapoitier t1_iwhc58i wrote

Holy shit were you just sitting here? That took you 30 seconds to reply to something after I didn’t get back here for more than an hour


AlexBucks93 t1_iwhcbdh wrote

Yes, I was browsing reddit at the time of your reply.

Nice that you ignored everything I wrote just to write that I replied fast and downvoted me lmao.


mechapoitier t1_iwhhm3k wrote

Sorry I forgot this is a default sub. It’s not often I interact with certain people and it’s jarring. I’d say I hope you understand but, well, I’ll just leave it there


AlexBucks93 t1_iwhi9od wrote

You write comments as if you ate all the brains and you smarter than everybody else but can’t reply to simple questions.