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theyusedthelamppost t1_j1v5rk7 wrote

>Also, I want to see a show about orcs, living and growing up in an orc village, that gets taken over by the evil overlord and they are forced to go fight humans in a human realm

Warcraft does exactly that. Unfortunately the movie suffers from the same type of problems that plague many productions, but it does some things well. Orc culture, particularly Durotan, is handled well. And outside the movies, there is plenty of other storytelling (books/games) that do it well. It's a shame that the movie didn't perform well enough to get sequels.


AlsoKnownAsAC t1_j1wzpta wrote

I really liked that movie despite its flaws. I have no idea what warcraft is or their lore but despite the dialogue or plot flaws I was still engrossed in the movie till the end and wanted to know more about their fictional lore. Like the whole orc family lives and what the orc shaman dude wanted to do. Whenever warcraft is mentioned I keep thinking that the setting had so much potential and if there would be a sequel.