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shiny-snorlax t1_j22bqby wrote

I really enjoyed Season 1; did not enjoy Season 2 as much.

The actual games in S2 were fine but nothing groundbreaking or really clever.

King of Clubs was probably the only good game featuring Arisu. But the King was honestly a more compelling character than Arisu.

I feel like the problem with the main duo was that they both spent too much time being melodramatic and retreading issues that had already been dealt with in S1. And they seemed to keep forgetting that they were currently participating in a death game. You never actually see Arisu or Usagi carrying a backpack or walk around with any basic survival gear. That's just... irresponsible.

But my biggest pet peeve from S2 had to be that the main duo seemed like they were allergic to carrying weapons?? They had multiple opportunities to pick up a gun or something, and always just chose not to? Idk why but that frustrated me so much to see that... >!and then the one time Arisu grows a brain cell and decides to pick up a gun, he doesn't use it when he should have, twice, which almost gets 2 people killed, and he then fails to kill Niragi anyway...!<

>!I'm also not sure how "let's lure the King of Spades into a trap so we can blow him up" plan turned into "let's ambush the seemingly invincible King and try to shoot him while he eviscerates us"... Did only Arisu get the note on what the actual plan was? That entire scene was pointless.!<

And don't even get me started on the last game. Just. What. The. Fuck. >!Idk why Arisu even had to participate in the last game. Literally anyone else could've done it and probably would've had a much easier time. In fact, I kept thinking "if Arisu wasn't such a useless protagonist, that last game would've been the easiest one of all. Mira is super lucky Arisu showed up rather than Satoshi from the convenience store, who has no psychological issues."!< That's just bad game design.

The one bright spot of S2 was the secondary characters. IMO Chishiya completely stole the show. Both of his games were interesting, exciting, and suited him perfectly. Couldn't be mad at any of his scenes tbh. Also >!Aguni with the I want to die but no one can kill me energy lol!<


bravetab t1_j23z9i9 wrote

In season one i was really tired of Chishiya's "Too cool for school" attitude. However his Solitary Confinement episode was probably my favorite of the season. The fact that only he, a massive egotisical psychopath and a literally SERIAL KILLER surived that game was HILARIOUS to me.


shiny-snorlax t1_j277qgu wrote

Every guess I had in that game was wrong and that just made it better tbh

The ending was perfect. Of course those 3 are the only ones to walk out of a heart game lol