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CardboardSoyuz t1_j24e4u4 wrote

Mark Hamill played David in the pilot.


hokie3457 t1_j24zh5l wrote

Then he got some movie role and couldn’t commit to the tv show….


antmars t1_j25sgj3 wrote

Oof he could’ve had a steady job for 5 years if he just stuck with the show.



Serling45 t1_j2608mr wrote

It’s weirder than that. He tried to get out of the show but they would not let him. Then he had a bad motorcycle accident that forced a recast.


johncharityspring t1_j26x6xz wrote

I thought his motorcycle accident was after the first Star Wars movie.


Serling45 t1_j26zrla wrote

After filming the movie but before the movie came out and before the season run for Eight is Enough started filming. So, they let him out of the contract and got Grant Goodeve to play the part.