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Calfzilla2000 t1_j15pl98 wrote

>In the interview, Sheridan revealed that each episode of 1923 can cost anywhere from $30 to $35 million


Do dragons show up?


CorporateSympathizer OP t1_j15py70 wrote

According to the article it's due to all the practical effects and on-location shooting in Africa. Apparently getting thousands of cattle and horses together to run across the country while shooting on a helicopter is expensive. Plus Ford and Mirren couldn't have come cheap.

Makes sense why everything is going CGI nowadays, especially with the pandemic still causing issues.


no_name_left_to_give t1_j16vd7f wrote

Kevin Costner did it for relatively pittance when he made Dances With Wolves. Adjusted for inflation the whole film cost $50 million (22 mil in 1990). The reason 1923 cost that much is that Paramount are willing to literally throw money at Sheridan, and as a result he and everyone down the chain to lowest subcontractor know that they could demand ridicules rates and get it.


ObiTate t1_j16ca72 wrote

>According to the article it's due to all the practical effects and on-location shooting in Africa.

Africa? Why not just shoot on location in Montana? $350M for a season of 1923 is insane.


Spire2000 t1_j16pwnn wrote

A good portion of the story actually takes place in Africa. So it is shooting on location.


lxqueen t1_j1cn30b wrote

On location just means a place outside of a studio set, it doesn't necessarily mean the authentic location it's meant to represent.


lightsongtheold t1_j163qrp wrote

This is almost Rings of Power level budget! Paramount need to get a grip. Could probably have churned out three to four shows like Succession for that budget.
