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Baldspooks t1_j1sbysv wrote

Can I watch the new bleach if I never watched the original?


avelineaurora t1_j1seqr0 wrote

No. I mean, you could, but I would not recommend it. It's not a reboot or new series but the final storyline of the original manga. Going into it blind with no attachment to any of the characters and history would lose a shitton of weight. You can cut out a lot of the original series though, it has a high amount of filler and the actual episode count isn't nearly so daunting (for a battle shonen, anyway).


SuspiriaGoose t1_j1sk1y2 wrote

Read the comic first, that’s easier than watching the show.


kane49 t1_j1ubkj6 wrote

bruh are you just trying to trigger people by calling it a comic ?


OneGoodRib t1_j1w6qfv wrote

Hey, the people who downvoted this guy: Why? Why are you downvoting someone for asking if something is watchable with little to no context? What's the point of downvoting someone for jut trying to find out if he can understand something that's been posted here?