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durgertime t1_j5u50ui wrote

Their best work was them working together.


Petrichor02 t1_j5v70du wrote

Oh the projects of theirs I've seen, I think I'd rank them as: Christopher > Both > Both > Both > Both > Both > Jonathan > Both > Christopher > Christopher > Christopher > Jonathan > Christopher

My favorite and least favorite are solo Christophers, but I have to agree that on average I tend to like them working together the best.


durgertime t1_j5vt6s8 wrote

I'm curious, of their work, which won was the one you liked the least?


Petrichor02 t1_j5vtmmw wrote

Insomnia for Christopher (I know some people really like it, but it wasn't for me), Westworld for Jonathan (I really liked the premise but struggled to finish the first season because the only characters I found likable kept getting killed off or were robots that I felt no stakes for), and Memento for both (don't get me wrong, I LOVED Memento the first time I watched it, but every time I rewatch it I find myself liking it a little bit less as I've found that the best parts of the movie are the novelty and the twists which lose their punch on repeated viewings... and I've rewatched Memento at least four times).