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t1_j4ncy9t wrote

What did you think of it?


t1_j4ni8bb wrote

I turned it off when it got racist. Then I saw screenshots with the body shaming, and the dismissal of the MeToo movement.

Racism in shows is only acceptable when you’re trying to portray that the people doing it are horrible, ie the Sopranos. That clearly wasn’t the intention here.


t1_j4nik4p wrote

ugh, that sounds very bad.

I haven't watched it yet, I only just re-subbed to HBOMax for The Last of Us series.


t1_j4njipc wrote

what was the example of racism?


t1_j4nl6qq wrote


t1_j4nt5b2 wrote

I just watched the 2 episodes that are up. It is very abrasive, but I don't think it is racist.


t1_j4ntb2j wrote

>I don’t think it’s racist

Here’s my test: would it be allowed in context if she were saying it about any other race.

The answer is no.


t1_j4ntq8u wrote

the character is racist. the show is not. A character can be a racist, murderer, saint, doesn't mean that the show has an agenda.

Sopranos isnt racist. The character of Tony Soprano is racist.

Breaking Bad is not a pro-drug show because the main character is a drug dealer.


t1_j4nu6xl wrote

I think you’re being disingenuous and I think the context of how Fred is the butt of all jokes, in combination with Velma’s statements, make this a transparent example of the “white man bad” brand of wokism.


t1_j4nupej wrote

no you are looking to be mad and you didnt watch the show. Fred is not the butt of every joke, he is the butt of some jokes though. You are looking to be angry and you are not honest about it. There is nothing "white man bad" in this show. Watch the fucking show so you know what you are talking about. I won't be watching future episodes because this is not well written, but it is nothing like you describe it. The show makes references to her prejudice and her being jealous of people. There is nothing in this show that makes Velma a good person other than she is working on solving the murder but even with that her motivation is selfish.


t1_j4nuvpe wrote

Ignorant take. Do better.


t1_j4nw3e6 wrote

even your screen shots are fake and that dialog isn't in the show. She says fred is a rich, Entitled guy with a tiny dong. You are posting bullshit.


t1_j4nxrhw wrote

Literally all that dialog is in the show.


t1_j4nysf5 wrote


No it isnt and you blocked me like the weak ass you are.


read the fake screen shots you put up. you are pathetic.


t1_j4nz865 wrote

Do you think I edited the video clip? Lol


t1_j4nzg1v wrote

no you arent smart enough to do that. I don't think you are even smart enough to form your own opinion.


t1_j4nzk8n wrote

So you admit that you were wrong about me misquoting the show, as I proved with the linked video?


t1_j4nzw3j wrote

No absolutely not. Go watch the show. You are weak. Why'd you block me, coward?


t1_j4o05qi wrote

Aw does being wrong upset you? Watch the clip and admit that I did not misquote the show.


t1_j4o0nf3 wrote

I watched the show. I don't need people to form an opinion for me. you posted things that are not on the show but you like being ignorant and wont go watch it for yourself. You blocked me and ran because youre a little puss. You are here just because you are afraid and weak. You don't know what you are talking about because you didnt view it yourself.


t1_j4o0yq3 wrote

Writing things on the internet doesn’t make them true.

I posted a video clip from the actual show. How can you explain those clips?


t1_j4o0em9 wrote

Oh no, am internet tough guy called me a coward.


t1_j4o107x wrote

I think any one who encounters you would say the same. the same reason people would say fire is hot. you blocked me because you are a weak ass. You are commenting on a show you have not seen and posting material you didnt create because you need other people to think for you.


t1_j4o1aab wrote

Fire is hot. The fact that other people agree doesn’t make it untrue.

Bad example.


t1_j4o1j1s wrote

No. People agree you are a coward because you are cowardly. People agree fire is hot because it is. this is an example of you not being smart. This is why you need people to think for you.


t1_j4o1m3m wrote

Public education has failed you.


t1_j4o1wze wrote

Maybe, but I am not the weak bitch talking about a show I didnt watch based on information provided by someone else. That'd be you. Go hide with your other cowardly folks and live in fear of the scooby doo show that you havent seen.


t1_j4nz36s wrote

>she says Fred is a rich entitled guy with a tiny dong

The second clip in the link I provided matches my screenshot, not what you wrote here.


t1_j4nzb0e wrote

go watch the fucking show so you know what she says. block me again.


t1_j4nzdj9 wrote

I don’t need to rewatch it. I provided a clip that matches my screenshot.


t1_j4nzngj wrote

Stay ignorant and afraid. You like the sopranos which is very racist and only makes white people look bad. But that show doesn't threaten you. Keep posting about a show youve never actually watched.


t1_j4nzscq wrote

So you’re saying that you were wrong when you said I misquoted the show?


t1_j4o2gqp wrote

No and you wouldnt know what the show says because you didnt watch it. You are here because you are fragile and not very smart talking about a show based on opinions someone gave you. I thought you were going to block me again? Do you just crave my attention?


t1_j4o3jf4 wrote

you are here saying that the show is trying to make white people the bad guy. It doesn't. You are ignorant and afraid. You haven't watched it and you got your info from someone else because you cant think for yourself. You should be embarrassed.