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degggendorf t1_j5bk6q8 wrote

It was 100% not for me. There's so much of that trumped up reality show interpersonal drama that I couldn't take it. I thought that between Alan (whom I adore) and the game competition stuff (which I generally like, as in Taskmaster) I would enjoy it, but hoo boy, not at all. The cutaways to the individual interview parts were constant and painful. To me. Others really love it so ymmv.

If you do want an extra dose of Cumming, check out "Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland" a short travel series with him and Miriam Margolyes whom you may recognize from Harry Potter (or elsewhere, I don't know you). I found it very charming, endearing, cozy, and enjoyable.


ahintoflime t1_j5bnd9j wrote

If you haven't, you might prefer the UK version. There's no reality-tv-celebs, it's much more low key and nice towards the beginning. Although both shows become equally tumultuous in a very personal/emotional way eventually. That said Alan Cumming is not the host of the UK version.


Look_Alive t1_j5ch6r3 wrote

> That said Alan Cumming is not the host of the UK version.

I'd say Claudia is an equally enjoyable host, albeit in a different way.


ahintoflime t1_j5ci3po wrote

Yeah I think she did great! But I don't think many americans would know who she is. Alan Cumming seems to be the invitation to watch the show for a lot of people. And he is hosting the show in a much hammier way which some people might love some might hate lol.