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Ssssgatk t1_j5bp3rq wrote

His accent is awful !! He’s hammed up his Scottish accent and it sways between Mrs Doubtfire and Victor Mildrew - he can’t keep in character.

Don’t come at me with hate - I am Scottish and know he is Scottish but he’s faking a Scottish accent and it’s awful


chuckchuckthrowaway t1_j5bqbzi wrote

Have you ever seen Limmy’s skit of Glasgow University Student asking questions? It’s that. His accent is that. Glasgow Uni.


Gizm00 t1_j5brdwr wrote

Link it


chuckchuckthrowaway t1_j5c5dm3 wrote

Search “Limmy:Yes or No” on YT.

There’s different versions as I think he redid it for his TV show, but they’re both heavy Glasgow uni accent-vibe