Gloomy_Travel7992 t1_j6i3ehk wrote
Okay didn’t know this was happening! Very excited
OfferOk8555 t1_j6iejhh wrote
That’s hype
shadowdra126 t1_j6igw0u wrote
A sister series to Atlanta? I’m sold
Prestigious-Ad-6808 t1_j6intuz wrote
Really like the actress in the thumbnail, she steals every scene she is in.
contaygious t1_j6iq8kj wrote
Mad men? What. Confused
mirror_number t1_j6ivcy4 wrote
She's so good in The Deuce, was sad when I found out >!she only had a brief scene in the third season!<.
stumpcity t1_j6iwi6w wrote
Headline makes no sense, especially when the piece itself drops two much more interesting comparison points:
Piano Teacher and King of Comedy
Glover & Nabers teaming up to basically channel the way, way, way ahead of its time satire of King of Comedy, but aimed directly at TikTok/Insta/"Stan" culture?
Guessing Vanity Fair editors put that headline together because referencing "Mad Men" in any way likely perks their eyes up (and their imagined readership's eyes) more than citing the actual influences behind the show.
MJTony t1_j6ix71c wrote
Don’t hurt yourself
jayhawk618 t1_j6j1c7r wrote
I will watch anything with his name on it. I know that this description gets thrown around a lot, but Atlanta really did feel like nothing else on Television right now. Such a unique tone and atmosphere. Great writing, acting, direction, character development and cinematography.
conker1264 t1_j6j2pn7 wrote
Is it based in Houston? As a Houstonian I’d love a show featured here
visionaryredditor t1_j6jipgf wrote
i was glad that the show >!didn't give her a sad ending tho!<
visionaryredditor t1_j6jiu3b wrote
Atlanta + The King Of Comedy sounds like a recipie for tv greatness
RaylanGivens95 t1_j6jlgyd wrote
conker1264 t1_j6jlmpq wrote
I’ve seen it, I like it but wouldn’t mind more obviously
marccoogs t1_j6js0g7 wrote
A show about a stan of a Beyonce-esque singer set in Houston sounds like a great idea to me. Dominique Fishback was great in The Deuce, so I should enjoy her in this.
GavinBelsonsAlexa t1_j6jsrtv wrote
> “We just thought it’d be fun to make a post-truth Piano Teacher mixed with The King of Comedy”
What a fucking quote. I am in.
NeoNoireWerewolf t1_j6jw6m0 wrote
Didn’t Ingrid Goes West already do the “King of Comedy but with influencers” premise? I’m more intrigued, but also skeptical, by the comparisons to Haneke’s The Piano Teacher. I just don’t see a studio willing to give money to any project that is truly Haneke-esque, and much as I like Glover, his work has never had that cold, serrated bite Haneke’s does.
contaygious t1_j6k4zxg wrote
Lol I'll try. I love mad men tho
blissfullybleak t1_j6o378b wrote
How did I not know this was happening? I was patiently awaiting the Mr and Mrs Smith Amazon reboot with him and Phoebie Waller-Bridge.
homogenic- t1_j6obw62 wrote
So the show will be about an antihero who is messy but compelling (like Don Draper and Tony Soprano) but creating a new version of that archetype, “through the lens of a Black, modern-day woman. I’m sold.
pm_me_reason_to_livx t1_j6i2qnz wrote
Is that Chloe Bailey? Yea... amma be looking forward to this one.