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unsaltedbutter t1_j6elw30 wrote

It's almost just a very expensive licensing fee. They already pay licensing fees to play short clips of music. Same thing.


ballrus_walsack t1_j6eu2h1 wrote

Except they don’t get to keep using it. Each use is a new fine.


Archangel9731 t1_j6ezh94 wrote

So it’s pay-as-you-go


ballrus_walsack t1_j6f1fb1 wrote

I guess so… but fines can ratchet up if they are meant to deter a behavior or action. So if they tried to budget for it then it would be very uncertain.


lego_office_worker t1_j6f4ldm wrote

no its like a speeding ticket. you kow what happens after you get enough speeding tickets?