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ktElwood t1_j6hdcv0 wrote

They will put the blame on some employee and claim they had not been informed and have no information.


PaxNova t1_j6hyf8d wrote

I doubt they review all footage. It would be the truth here.


MissDiem t1_j6idqze wrote

What I'm saying is if we could create legislation that states company executive and board members go to prison if X happens, you'll find they have miraculous solutions and previously unrevealed projects that guarantee X won't happen.


ktElwood t1_j6ix93a wrote

Yeah but you'll never have that because politicians are heavily influenced by lobbyists, who get hired by executives.

The amount of Senetor's and Rep's children in managing roles of big tech is astonishing...seems like they always should have second thoughts while voting on bills...