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Xemone t1_j5ht407 wrote

You can want something to be over in the sense of wishing it had a satisfying conclusion and leaving it at that instead of """"ending""""" but not really because the characters will still be in other spin-offs. Not everyone wants to reach the end of a long series that they may have fully or even partially enjoyed but then be expected to watch infinite spin-offs to continue following everyone and get the rest of the full story.

They can just not watch them, sure, but if they liked the characters who are going to be in the spin-offs and they wanted them to have a satisfying conclusion, they may have to wait however many years for it now, if they ever get one because TWD's finale was just a platform for them to start their journey on the spin-off, not an actual ending for them.

And even if they don't like the show, they're allowed to voice their opinion on them. They didn't say "Anyone who watches the spin-offs are idiots! What a stupid franchise!" They asked why there are so many spin-offs. It's a valid question.