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iamdew802 t1_j5wwk1o wrote

Omg the paper crane girl? I saw her in something recently that caused me to have a flashback of so many Heroes related memories ha. I still laugh thinking about the Nissan Versa 😂


grayscalemamba t1_j5wzqlc wrote

I think they meant the Irish woman that Peter travelled to future post-apocalypse New York with.

If you mean Charlie, she went to the past and lived out a happy life. Hiro meets her as an old lady in hospital.


Grantagonist t1_j5xdj13 wrote

He went back and changed her fate? Oof. (I didn't watch past mid-S3.)

It was hilarious how one of Hiro's big lessons in season 1 was learning that he can't change the past... and then S2 starts with a core story about him going back to change the past. (Something like that.)

It's honestly a miracle fluke that the first season was somehow good.


iamdew802 t1_j5x0baw wrote

Oh wrong direction in time, thanks for the correction