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GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j66etz7 wrote

Because it became a public scandal, it was awkward for audiences watching the show after it came out, and ultimately they got replaced and the show didn't miss a beat because Robach and Holmes aren't stars.

So it was just easier to throw the problem away and run their show like normal.

It's not the fairest thing, but in the entertainment business your value and star power and how much your employer will put up with are on the same line and they just weren't that important to ABC for the unwanted attention it was getting


[deleted] t1_j66uurk wrote



GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j66v3yf wrote

If it becomes a scandal that distracts from the company mission, then no they can't.


im_a_dick_head t1_j670bau wrote

Why would it become a scandal?


Far-Engineer-5530 t1_j672h07 wrote

Because they were both married. And apparently Holmes had sex inside is office with another junior employee a few years ago.


Dismal-Past7785 t1_j672cab wrote

Well they were both married to other people, that usually does it. Reporters aren’t meant to be the story.


im_a_dick_head t1_j674dua wrote

Oh. This information was unknown to me. I take it all back lol


Dismal-Past7785 t1_j674h4f wrote

LPT: when a relationship is referred to as an “affair” it’s because one or all of the parties are married to someone else.


cohrt t1_j696wvd wrote

Because they were both married to other people while the affair was going on.


Vestalmin t1_j6aiqqo wrote

“Why?” isn’t even the right question because it did become a scandal.


im_a_dick_head t1_j6b56kf wrote

Dude chillax I didn't know they were married. I'm getting so many downvotes for not knowing information very sad


Mr-Pugtastic t1_j68n7b0 wrote

Plenty of employers have rules or restrictions on relationships between coworkers. Plus ABC is trying to sell “wholesome” and “family centric” as their brand so yeah I can understand


Coosaw t1_j68nuxr wrote

They fucked with the money. Don’t fuck with the money.


russdb t1_j69p6bg wrote

Depends on the company, many discourage fraternizing and you gotta report it to HR.

Unless you're at Dunder Mifflin, then it's fair game.


Xalbana t1_j68n6m5 wrote

Username checks out.

Relationships in the workplace is a contentious issue.

Many companies don't care as long as it doesn't affect power dynamics or it doesn't negatively affects the company publicly.