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Azza_77 t1_j6cn97s wrote

Interesting that you mentioned Kim Delaney as she was fired from CSI Miami after only 10 episodes because of 'a lack of chemistry' with David Caruso.


turkeygiant t1_j6e7u4b wrote

Did David Caruso...takes off glasses...ever have chemistry with anybody on that show?


che-che-chester t1_j6eayi6 wrote

Caruso was really good on NYPD Blue but was gone after the first season because he demanded more money. He left, the show was a massive success for a long time and his career was non-existent until he got CSI Miami. Few people get a second chance like that.


01111000marksthespot t1_j6gwtfb wrote

> 'a lack of chemistry'

That's so funny. Nobody on that show has any chemistry with anyone else. Everyone is their own different flavour of slightly unhinged, acting past each other as they deliver their lines, epitomised by Caruso as lead. It's borderline avant garde.


ex0thermist t1_j6hl8t9 wrote

Hmm... I've always liked CSI Miami, but I can't really say you're wrong about this. None of the characters ever really seemed to be anything more than acquaintances to each other, even the ones who worked closely. It's a fortunate thing that the show somehow has enough appeal from other aspects to sort of make up for it.


davey_mann t1_j6h327u wrote

It's crazy that she actually played on a cop show with Caruso after she played Jimmy Smit's cop wife on NYPD Blue and Smits was Caruso's replacement when he left the series.