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tinoynk t1_j6j1fby wrote

Season 2 of The Wire is such a massive change of gears from season 1, it can be really jarring to first-time viewers, and a lot of people see it as an outlier and a departure from the core of the show, but once you've seen the whole series, its placement makes way more sense, and people who've rewatched it consider it one of the best.

In general, I'd also recommend people starting The Wire understand that it's super dense and will require a high degree of attention. If you're second-screening or doing other stuff while it's on in the background, you'll have a really hard time getting into it.

Mr. Robot's season 2 has a similar issue. The whole season revolves around a big twist, making everything feel weird and just generally off, and most people seemed to find the twist cheap and that's when the general popularity of the show disappeared, but I think seasons 3 and 4 are excellent and even if 2 seems like a slog, it's worth pushing through. Similar to The Wire, I also find Mr. Robot S2 to be more effective upon rewatch.


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_j6mrn7z wrote

> but once you’ve seen the whole series, its placement makes way more sense, and people who’ve rewatched it consider it one of the best.

All the pieces matter.


sb505 t1_j6lup7i wrote

Thanks for this. Totally agree about The Wire. Took several episodes to get into the Wire due to the density. Ended up loving it by the end. Started season 2 and had a totally different vibe. I think I fell off after 3 episodes. I've been meaning to go back to it.


alienfreaks04 OP t1_j6kddjg wrote

You're right about Mr Robot. I love season one, season two was a little bit hard to get through for the reasons you said, but then it ended an unbelievable way