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venm081199 t1_j5pfaom wrote

Given the WB shake-ups, I hope that the production creates a season finale that can work as a series finale.


merelyadoptedthedark t1_j5po2eo wrote

There's no real good way to do a Superman story with a series finale. The best I think we can hope for is they just don't introduce any new plot threads in the last two minutes of the final episode.


refpuz t1_j5pu5ii wrote

There's no "end" to Superman as he represents the never ending battle against evil and oppression. The only true "end" would be to adapt All-Star Superman as that can be interpreted as the end to Superman and Lex Luthor's conflict if there was to be one.


BKDX t1_j5tu5bm wrote

"Whatever Happened To The Man of Tommorrow?" would work better, with some deviations (secret identity not leaked, no supporting cast deaths, etc).